79th Street.

As a block with over 20 children becomes deserted due to COVID-19 quarantine, 79th street as well as the surrounding neighborhood gets creative with keeping children engaged and neighbors positive. Kate, a 79th street resident, gets inspiration from her fellow neighbors and begins to make signs of her own, but with a little twist.

A street usually filled with children playing outside, is empty.

A neighbors window holds positive signs that say “you are amazing” and “inhale, exhale”.

The first sign made, matching the positivity from the fellow neighbors.

Kate writes and colors a sign she will put up later today.

The first joke put up in the window, as well as stuffed animals for the children scavenger hunt.

The second joke that was put up, keeping the dad jokes and the stuffed animals.

Another joke in the window, but this time the stuffed animals have hats.


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