Author: Emma

  • Preparing for First Artist Critique

    I created a pattern using a linoleum-carved fan. I am currently experimenting with combining the use of printmaking and the Adobe Suite.

  • Initial Inspiration for Senior Project

    Making seamless patterns, working on “The Car” and variations on “The Fan” and the differing styles I want to take inspiration from Inspirations: Japanese patterns, linocut and wood block printing, patterns in fabric and tiles. I am currently being inspired by several artists, mainly printmakers using linocut. However, I am also inspired by fabric and…

  • Cancel Culture and It’s Future

    Cancel Culture and It’s Future

    In the last couple of years, the term “cancel culture” has begun to rise in popularity, becoming a large part of internet culture. defined cancel culture as, “The popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.” This term has become…

  • Movie Review – The Assistant

    Movie Review – The Assistant

    After seeing a pretty intriguing trailer, I decided to watch the 2020 film The Assistant which was written and directed by Kitty Green. Described as a ‘thriller’, the movie follows a junior assistant, Jane and “her daily routine; she grows increasingly aware of the insidious abuse that threatens every aspect of her position,” described by IMDb. …

  • The Effects of Oil Fracking- An Infographic

    The Effects of Oil Fracking- An Infographic

    photo sourced from

  • An Interactive Infographic

    An Interactive Infographic

    The graphic I looked at is from the news story titled Coronavirus in the U.S: Latest Map and Case Count by the New York Times. The main graphic I want to focus on is the interactive map. The map shows the known locations of coronavirus cases within each county. There are then circles that are…

  • Video Project

    Video Project

    My parents assigned us to make dinner, so summer pasta it is! A light tomato sauce with zucchini and Italian sausage even for a hot day. Since I was not able to use a tripod, we had to get creative with how we rigged up the iPhone. Wish it was better quality, but it worked…

  • JAMS 180 Final Outline

    JAMS 180 Final Outline

    Project Pitch For my project, I want to focus on how the coronavirus is effecting Seattle (where I live). My audience would be the residents of Washington. This is because this final is specific to Seattle, resulting in most of the people that will care about this story will be the people connected to Seattle/Washington.…

  • 79th Street.

    79th Street.

    As a block with over 20 children becomes deserted due to COVID-19 quarantine, 79th street as well as the surrounding neighborhood gets creative with keeping children engaged and neighbors positive. Kate, a 79th street resident, gets inspiration from her fellow neighbors and begins to make signs of her own, but with a little twist.

  • The Internet, but not as we know it- A media story

    The Internet, but not as we know it- A media story

    In the Guardian’s post on January 11, 2019 titled The internet, but not as we know it: life online in China, Cuba, India and Russia written by Michael Safi, Lily Kuo, Ed Augustinand Andrew Roth  describes the experiences that countries experience with federal censorship, fake news and how they are able to obtain information around…
