JAMS 180 Final Outline

Project Pitch

For my project, I want to focus on how the coronavirus is effecting Seattle (where I live). My audience would be the residents of Washington. This is because this final is specific to Seattle, resulting in most of the people that will care about this story will be the people connected to Seattle/Washington. Many of these people have not been able to go outside, resulting in them not really seeing how empty the city is. 

 As a city that depends on foot traffic for small businesses, and on the work that large corporations bring downtown, without it, it is changing the face of the city. I want to show how desolate the city is, with empty streets and storefronts. I will break by project up into several sections. I will focus on the immediate effects, specifically in tourist areas like Pike Place Market. Then focus on racial targeting that has occured since many Chinese restaurants are going out of business or being vandalized In the last section I will focus on what people in the Seattle community are doing now. With the use of graphics I would be able to visually document the statistics for both the covid-19 and other statistics within Seattle. Lastly, I will have text to go along with the photos and have the graphics to support both the photos and the text. Some of the sources I need for this project are the statistics from King County, Seattle Times as well as King 5. I will discuss the financial burden this will take on a city that thrives on tourists.

Media I Will Use

 These media are chosen because I think that photos are a great way to encapsulate a small moment in time which can then be conveyed to the viewer. I believe that visual graphics are the strongest way to show data, especially when the data is complicated. Lastly, the use of text will be able to break up the two visual elements. Although having many visual elements is nice, they do not always provide enough information to the reader. The use of text will not only give a description to the photos/graphics used, but also expand on smaller stories or facts to enhance the reader’s experience. 

Page Outline

I want the photos to take up most of the website page as it will force the viewer to look closely at the image. Graphics will also be added throughout. Additional text will support both the photos and text to give further context or information regarding the graphic/photo.

After going through this process I have realised that focusing on just Chinese restaurants is not as obtainable and strong compared to if I focused on businesses in general throughout Seattle. I don’t think I will be using any productivity tools because what I need to do is pretty straight forward. I do have a written outline I will follow for the rest of this project. 


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